
Paraprotex is a preparation containing healing herbs with antiphlogistic and detoxicating properties. If you want to learn more about health or various viruses, you can either refer to scientific institutions or poem writers for hire from so you will have materials on the same topic, but different types of writing.

The herbs, rich in vitamins and minerals, improve immunity and restore health.

Paraprotex prevents a relapse of parasites and diseases connected with them. It also helps get back your strength, vitality and good mood. The preparation contains a group of specially chosen ingridients that protect your body from parasites.

Package: 100 tablets

Content of Paraprotex

  • Rangoon Creeper fruit- 150 mg
  • Wormseed – 100 mg
  • Berberis extract – 50 mg
  • Myrrh Gum- 50 mg
  • Carnation oil – 50 mg
  • Pau d’Arco extract (4:1)- 50 mg
  • Black Walnut – 37,5 mg
  • Walnut oil – 37,5 mg
  • Grapefruit seed extract – 25 mg
  • Garlic – 12,5 mg

Paraprotex dosing for prevention: 1-2 pills daily during a meal

This product is not recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers beacuse of its strong purifying properties !!!
You do not take ParaProtex if you are taking antibiotics!!!

Paraprotex helps with :paraprotex2

  • Skin changes
  • Destroying parasites and bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus)
  • Destroying alimentary canal parasites
  • Destroying viruses and fungus
  • Preventing bacteria and fungus (tapeworms)

Ingridients of Paraprotex


Rangoon Creeper fruit

Seeds of this plant are used for both treatment and prevention. They are also used therapeutically against many kinds of parasites (interstinal worms, nematodes, hookworms and lamblia). They are used for the treatment of dahorea, high fever and rickets. Rangoon Creeper is also applied for stomachaches and many other diseases caused by parasites.


In Chinese medicine, wormseed oil is used for the treatment of joint rheumatism, pimples and bites. It has long been applied for curing people ill with asthma, cramps and some kind of paralise.
In Mexico, it is used for menstrual problems and getting rid of worms but it also has an application in the treatment of depression and nervousness.

berberisBerberis extract

The properties of Berberis were known in Ancient Babylon and India where it was used as a panaceum for jaundice and malaria. In medieval Poland it was a well-known duretic and cholagogic medicine. An extract from the bark was used for gargling a sore throat whereas an extract from its leaves stopped bleeding. At present, berberis leaves, fruit, roots and bark are all used as medical resources. The leaves, roots and bark of Berberis contain an alkaloid with cholagogic, anitbacterial and relaxant properties  as well as alkaloids with antiarrhythmic qualities. The Berberis fruit contain large quantities of vitamin C. Medicines containing berberine, which is derived mainly from the bark, is applied for the treatment of a chronic hepatitis, insufficient bile production, lithiasis other gallbladder disorders. In tropical countries it is given in case of cholera and amebiasis.

Extracts from the leaves, however, are used as drugs increasing the production of the digestive juice and for the treatment of gallbladder and liver disorders. Berberis fruit are vitamin drugs recommended for bacterial infections and high fevers as well as for rheumatic diseases and disorders of vessel permeability.

Myrrh_GumMyrrh Gum

It is especially recommended for the treatment of oral cavity infections, like: ulcers of the oral cavity, gum inflammation as well as an inflammation of the sinuses and throat. Myrrh may also help with laryngitis and breathing problems. It is not recommended for pregnant women.

carnation_oilCarnation oil

A carnation, in its dry flower buds, contains eugenol and specific mucous substances, tannins, resin, fat, wax and other substances. For that reason, they have found an application as a medicine increasing the production of the gastric juice. The carnation oil can be found in mouthwash, toothpaste and hand disinfectant. The carnation oil is also used in aromatherapy. It treats rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, cold, digestive disorders and food poisoning.

Pau_dArcoExtract Pau d’Arco


  • Indians in the Bolivian part of the Andes used Taheebo bark for the treatment of leukaemia
  • the tribe of Garifuna that can be found in Nicaragua is known for using an extract from the bark as a medicine for high fever and dahorea
  • Huastec Mayans tribe, in Mexico, use an extract from the inside part of the bark in the treatment of uterus cancer as well as swelling and wounds.
  • Tikuna Indians inhabiting Columbia apply Pau d’Arco extract for gargling a sore throat but also in the treatment of anaemia, malaria, high fever and diarrhoea.
  • Peruvian Indians use the extract’s healing properties in the treatment of diabetes and tumour and San Martin citizens take it as a medicine for tumour, skin diseases and heart problems
  • In Brazil, however, Pau D’arco can be found in various forms like: tea, extracts, tinctures and lotions and is used in the tratment of the cancer of the tongue, throat, oesophagus, prostate, bowel, lungs, liver, brain, pancreas and skin, as well as, leukaemia, granulomatosis, diabetes, malaria, stwardnieniu tętnic i innych chorobach wyniszczających
  • in Costa Rica medicines for snakebites are made from Taheebo leaves, roots and flowers whereas an extract from the inner bark is used for headache, cold and high fever
  • in Guyana, however, individuals ill with some tropical diseases caused by parasites receive a compress made from Taheebo bark
  • in India, some sort of Pau D’arco was used for curing syphilis and its consequences.

Pau D`arco influence on human body

  • It naturally improves the immune system of the body by enhancing the blood.
  • It has a wide anit-inflammatory application thanks to its strong antibiotic properties.
  • Its anti-virus qualities help to treat pimple, flu, foot and mouth disease and polioviruses.
  • It is credited with antitumour activity, probably due to lapachol and the production of Alfa rays.

Such properties of Pau D’arco make it a useful medicine in the treatment of anaemia, AIDS, asthma, leukaemia, leucorrhoea, headaches, diabetes, the ulcer of the stomach, duodenum and bowel. It also has a good effect on skin diseases like: eczema, mycosis, scabies, blastomycosis. Moreover it helps with bleeding, alimentary canal disorders, all kinds of tumour, pimple, bowel and gallbladder poplyps, enlarged prostate, injury, rheumatism, gonorrhoea, hardening of the arteries, syphilis and its consequences, lupus, snakebites, inflammations of the throat, bronchial tubes, marrow, bladder, reproductive organs, large bowel and cervix.

black_walnutBlack Walnut

Black walnut leaves are rich in tannins, falvonoids, terpens, bitter substances and many vitamins, especially vitamin C. Contemporary medicine has discovered that a black walnut can be used as an anti-inflammatory drug but also to stop bleeding or as a medicine for fungus, bacteria or bugs. Its special properties help to lower the cholesterol and sugar in your blood and improve digestion as well.

Its skin contains biologically active substances, as follows: organic acids, etheric oils, iron and cobalt salts, vitamin C, B1, B2, PP and carotenoids (beta-carotene).

The black walnut has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and, in addition, it helps cure injuries, improves metabolism and works as a tonic.

black_walnut_oilBlack walnut oil

The black walnut oil  is considered to be one of the most precious plant oil in the world. Its characteristic health-improving properties – a large amount of phosphor- positively affect the action of your brain, stimulate your mind and enhances the intelligence. It is highly recommended for breastfeeding mothers, pregnant women and schoolchildren. The black walnut contains a lot of vitamin E which makes it a perfect precaution against free radicals, thus slowing down the aging process and favourably affecting the skin.

Moreover, the black walnut oil neutralises carcinogens thanks to the content of ellagic acid. It may also be found useful in the prevention of fungus and parasites.

grapefruit_seed_extractGrapefruit seed extract

The grapefruit seed extract contains some active ingridients that are responsible for eliminating microorganisms and, simultaneously, which is very important, they do not destroy friendly bacteria that function in the body. It contains flavonoids and vitamin C which makes it an effective antioxidant. Flavonoids improve the immunity and the absorption of vitamins and what is more they protect blood vessel walls. Recent findings have confirmed that the grapefruit seed extract is rich in vitamin C, E, P, B and mineral salts that vitalise and regenerate the skin. Scientists say that these ingriedients slow down the wrinkling process and eliminate already existing wrinkles.


Garlic has always been known for its antiseptic properties. Each garlic claw contains flavonoids, vitamins, mucous substances, sugar and mineral salts like: iron, magnesium and potassium. It has a wide range of applications in medicine. Above all it is a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medicine but also it regulates the function of the heart, lowers the blood pressure, improves digestion and lowers the cholesterol. Furthermore, it is used for eliminating bowel parasites and preventing rheumatism.


  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner before taking any supplement.
  • This product is intended for adults only, and should not be taken during pregnancy or nursing.
  • Herbs are not a substitute for proper medical treatment. In case of health problems related to parasites, visit your doctor immediately!