Parasite cleansing treatment for kids

It is the best if the whole family, including pets, undergoes the therapy. It aims to remove all kinds of parasites (pinworms, lamblia, tapeworms and other bugs) and pathogenic bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus, salmnella, E. Coli and others) from your body. It also helps to fight bowel and lungs mycosis, blastomyces of vagina and other organs.

How to give the supplements to children?


WEEK 1 -  (about one year old) the therapy starts with ¼ of a tablet of Paraprotex daily

WEEK 2 – the dose is increased to ¼ of a tablet twice a day. In the morning on empty stomach and in the evening half an hour before eating.

WEEK 3 – the dose goes up to ¼ of a tablet three times a day ( at noon – before a meal) and it remains the same for 6 weeks.

Next you should have a four-week break and begin the therapy again with the dose of  ¼ of a tablet three times a day. Keep giving the supplement for 10 days then have a four-day break and repeat the cycle.


WEEK 1 – start with half a tablet once a day and keep it for a week

WEEK 2 – the dose is increased to half  a tablet twice a day. In the morning on empty stomach and in the evening 30 minutes before a meal.

WEEK 3 – half a tablet three times a day (at noon the dose should be taken before a meal) and it remains the same for 6 weeks.

Next you should have a four-week break and begin the therapy again with the dose of  half a tablet three times a day. Keep giving the supplement for 10 days then have a four-day break and repeat the cycle.

Additional supplements that are essential during the therapy are:

Ac Zymes – it keeps the flora of your bowels healthy due to providing the necessary bacteria. It creates a volnourable environment for pathogenic bacteria. It prevents flatulence, soothes the symptoms of hemoroids and it can be useful in the treatment of acne and allergy. AC Zymes is recommended after taking antibiotics.

Dosage: 1 capsule for every 10kg of the body weight, for instance: a child that weighs 20 kg should take 1 capsule twice a day before a meal)

Nopalin – protects the digestive system from parasites. It provides the organism with amino acids, vitamins, cellulose and minerals. You can also appreciate its positive effect on the digestion process and metabolism. It also detoxicates the large bowel and helps with constipation.

Dosage: 1 capsule for every 10kg of the body weight, for instance: a child that weighs 20 kg should take 1 capsule twice a day before a meal)

Polinesian Noni – contributes to the biological regeneration of your body and affects the cells. Dosage for children – a tablespoon two or three times a day (10 ml of NONI per 10 kg of the body weight).

C 1000 – is a natural vitamin C that significantly increases the immunity of your body. It has a remarkable effect on cold, flu, tumours and allergy and it is a great anti-oxidant. It is responsible for the production of collagen, bones and cartilages. It helps cope with stress and heal injuries.

Dosage depending on a child’s weight:
– 30 kg of weight – 1 tablet of C 1000 twice a day or 2 tablets of C 500 twice a day
– 20 – 25 kg of body weight – 1  tablet three times a day
– 15 kg of body weight – 1 crushed tablet of C 500 twice a day during a meal

Garlic Caps – garlic and parsley in capsules. Garlic Caps is a natural antibiotic. It protects your body from bacteria and viruses. Just one capsule after a meal shoud be enough for your child.

(all this supplements you can buy here)

Remember to strengthen the immunity system during the therapy, so:


use Infant Formula, which provides natural vitamins


apply Lion Kids C. Senior nursery school chilren can also use Lion Kids Multivitamina to strengthen their bodies.


Over 11 – use vitamin C 500, Full Spectrum
An appropriate diet also matters. See what you should eliminate from the dieat and what can be eaten.



  • wash your hands after using a toilet and before preparing meals
  • keep the dishes, household equipment and kitchen clean
  • keep food in low temperature
  • do not unfreeze food and freeze it again
  • keep raw meat and eggs separately so that they do not touch other products
  • completely unfreeze meat and fish at least 30 minutes before frying, roasting or cooking
  • roasting, cooking and stewing food before eating are the best way to neutralise germs (frying is less effective)
  • wash and blanch eggs that are used for preparing dishes and deserts before breaking
  • avoid ice-cream and biscuits made by unknown producers
  • boil and filter water.

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  • parasite cleansing for children